Eat well, manage side effects, stay fit, and boost your energy levels.

Find out more through scientific guidance, personalised for you - for free.

You are unique. So are your needs.

Don't settle for generic information: get personalised support.

What you eat can make a difference

Which foods can help you regain your strength?
How can you balance your diet to stay in control?

What you eat can help you beat fatigue, bring your energy levels back up, and move on.

Stay strong through exercise

Exercise is an important aspect of prostate cancer recovery.

Being physically active can help improve your quality of life.

Get your personalised tips based on scientific guidelines.

Other conditions and prostate cancer

Heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, COPD, etc: Dealing with other conditions can complicate cancer care. Each condition requires different dietary and lifestyle changes to manage them during prostate cancer.

Manage your weight

A tumour and its treatments may affect your weight for quite a while. Learn practical ways to stay in control.

The largest charities agree

Both Macmillan and Cancer Research UK agree that following the right diet and staying physically active can provide many health benefits. It is often linked, for instance, with reduced risk of other cancers and chronic conditions, a healthy body weight, and higher energy levels.

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